I’ve been a public school educator and administrator for more than a decade, so you may be surprised that when parents ask for my advice about education, I often suggest they allow their children to leave school.
“Wow, I could never do that,” say most people when I tell them that I home school my children. Questioning them generally reveals that a lot of parents feel inadequate to home educate. They think that if they don’t have a university degree or if they never took algebra or if they cannot speak a foreign language, then they are ill-equipped to teach these things to their kids.
The nagging, the battles, the lost papers: Do you dread homework as much as the kids do? You came to the right place.
There’s no denying that home schooling is becoming an educational option utilized by more and more parents as an alternative to public education and private education. Others are choosing to home school because they have a certain value system or religious viewpoint they want to instill. Whatever the reason you and your family have chosen the option of home schooling, there are a multitude of terrific online resources out there to make your choice more effective for you.
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