Do you feel connected to your teen? My teens are always wearing noise-canceling headphones, which makes it a struggle to communicate with them; it can be hard to connect with someone who seems to be shutting you out. But even though it may be challenging, it is important for you to find ways to create and sustain connections with your teen. According to a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, there are noticeable benefits for teens who feel connected to their family and school. In addition to experiencing better mental health, teens with strong connections are also less likely to have experiences with risky or violent behaviors as adults.
"Get her some ice cream!” If I had a dollar for how many times I heard that advice after my daughter’s devastating breakup, I could buy out the whole grocery store freezer department. Newsflash: Ice cream doesn’t always cut it. In fact, it is possible that ice cream is never the answer to a teen’s broken heart.
From the time they are infants, we take the necessary precautions to protect our kids, but how can we keep them safe once they start driving?
As most parents of a teen can attest, dealing with their teen’s growing independence is often a daunting challenge. But pushing away from parents is a normal part of adolescence and necessary for a teen to develop into a healthy, capable adult. Yet because they are still maturing, they do need guidance and support along the way. So, how do you give your teen the space to grow and avoid overstepping boundaries that tend to push your teen farther away? The first step is understanding the necessary components for your teen to become a capable, healthy adult, and then know how you can guide and support your adolescent during this trying stage while still providing your teen the freedom to grow.
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