Soccer, swimming, karate, violin lessons – no matter the activity, you are not alone if you find yourself trapped in a battle about going to the activity, which, one month ago, they begged you to do. I’ve been coaching families for 20 years, and this has always been a challenge. Now, after COVID, it feels even bigger. The kids aren’t alone! I know so many adults that are just not that interested in heading out to an activity anymore.
We parents want our children to thrive. And it can hurt when we see a quieter child overlooked, not chosen or otherwise left out in fun, social settings. While we know each child is a unique individual with character traits and tendencies all their own, we still want the best for them and that usually means competence in social settings.
The sound of your child’s first word is magical - but how do you know if they are hitting their developmental milestones on time?
Big or small, planned or unplanned – transitions at any age, for anyone, can either be a welcome surprise or full of anxiety and distress. Transitions can be imposed on us, or proposed by us. Whatever the reason, they are an integral part of life and must be managed appropriately.
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